Saturday, July 27, 2024
ReportDuha Syariah and Cashlez to provide digital Islamic SME financing

Duha Syariah and Cashlez to provide digital Islamic SME financing

Online Shariah financing platform Duha Syariah has partnered with payment gateway Cashlez to bring digital Islamic financing to SMEs.

Under this partnership, Cashlez merchants domiciled in the island of Java will be able to access Shariah compliant financing through the Duha Syariah app.

“We present this Shariah financing service so that merchants can have other options in proposing financing transactions that are in accordance with Islamic law, free of usury and transparent. We hope that it will make it easier for merchants to carry out business and worship activities,” explained Suwandi, CEO of Cashlez.

Duha Syariah provides several lines of financing including working capital financing, invoice financing as well as Umrah and Halal tourism financing. “We believe that through Duha Syariah, many of our merchants will feel the benefits, both for their business and in worship. Indeed, currently it is still only for merchants that are domiciled in Java, but it will be opened gradually in other cities,” confirmed Suwandi.


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