Saturday, July 27, 2024



Company Profile

Established in 2018, GlobalSadaqah is a part of Ethis Global. GlobalSadaqah is an awardee of the World Islamic Fintech Awards 2018 for the Best Social Impact Islamic Fintech Firm of 2018.

GlobalSadaqah aims to provide high-tech solutions for corporates, financial institutions, charitable organizations, and other govt entities involved and be the nucleus of the Islamic Social Finance ecosystem. GlobalSadaqah provides CSR, Zakat, Qard Hasan, and Purification Fund management services for Corporates as well as Wealth Management and Estate Planning Services for High-Net-Worth Individuals.

GlobalSadaqah is one of the first platforms in Malaysia to have established a reputable gateway which the donors can trust to take their money directly to those in need on the ground through our reputable and verified partners and make a direct impact. The platform features a wide range of campaigns and projects from across the world through trusted and verified charity partners with a focus on maximizing direct impact and long term sustainability for the beneficiaries.

GlobalSadaqah creates social impact by bringing together a multitude of stakeholders such as individual and institutional donors, corporates, international humanitarian and development agencies, religious authorities, and governments.

IN THE NEWS GlobalSadaqah