Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nusa Kapital

Nusa Kapital
Operating Status:

Company Profile

Nusa Kapital (NuKap) is the world’s first regulated Shariah-compliant P2P Crowdfunding Platform based in Malaysia. NuKap is fully owned and managed by P2P Nusa Kapital Sdn Bhd (formely known as Ethis Kapital Sdn Bhd) which is a Recognized Market Operator licensed by the Securities Commission of Malaysia.

We aim to complement the growing global awareness of Islamic Finance with technology to ensure seamless transactions between funding businesses and making returns on investment. With NuKap, SMEs will have fewer restrictions to gain access to funding while investors will have an alternative way to make higher returns on their investments.

We have established a dynamic team of individuals who possess a wealth of experience on technological innovation, business management and Islamic financial market.

Shahridan Faiez
IN THE NEWS Nusa Kapital